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Read what other patients have said about us:

Jeffery K. , Pennington

I was suffering from an abscess at a time when my regular dentist was closed. I called their emergency number and got the run around and eventually came to the realization that I had to wait 44 hours until I would have relief from them. Since I was about to put my head through a brick wall this would not do. My wife found dr. Goyal on the internet and called her and she came out at 10:00 at night, opened her office, and helped me out. she performed a root canal in the middle of the night. Not only was she professional, as I expect from my dentist, but she was incredibly compassionate and empathetic. The best part is she accepted my insurance so I didn't have to pay crazy emergency fees! You will not be disappointed with Dr. Goyal.


My first visit today was excellent. No waiting time, extremely friendly and pleasant staff. Dr. Reena Goyal was very friendly and professional, explained everything in details. Thank you


My first visit today was excellent. No waiting time, extremely friendly and pleasant staff. Dr. Reena Goyal was very friendly and professional, explained everything in details. Thank you